Tag: us infrastructure

Biden's massive once-in-a-century investment plan to transform US' infrastructure

Wednesday, March 31, 2021
US President Joe Biden is going to announce a massive USD 2 trillion plan today (31st March 2021) to transform America's aging infrastructure, and position the country to out-compete China, according to officials. The American Jobs Plan, to be announced by Biden in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, will create millions of good-paying jobs and rebuild the US infrastructure. This is a once-in-a-century capital investment in America, according to officials. It will also position the United States to out-compete China, they said. By investing about USD 2 trillion over the next eight years, we can transform our current and future infrastructure and fundamentally change life for Americans, officials said ahead of the presidential visit to Pittsburgh. If passed alongside President Biden's Made in America corporate tax plan, the plan would be fully paid for within the next 15 years and reduce deficits in the years after. Read more