Tag: google wearable electronicsindian patent

Indian Patent office rejects Google's application for wearable electronics

Saturday, February 29, 2020
The Indian Patent Office on Thursday rejected Google’s application on wearable electronic devices, observing that it lacks inventive steps and the use and method by which it is to be performed is not fully described incomplete specification. Google, in its patent specification, said that the invention comprises electronic devices provided in shoes or ankle bracelets. The patent application for ‘System and method for wearable electronic devices was filed in 2007. One of the objections raised by the patent office was that the claims lack inventive step as required under the Indian Patent Act, as the claims of the apparel being used as personal devices to transmit data and display them on a personal device, was already known as per the available documents. The claims relating to transmitting and receiving calls on a portable device worn the wrist are also known. There has also been a lack of proper specification and disclosure as required by the Act, the patents office said.