Shares of PNB Housing Finance were locked in the upper circuit of 20 percent at Rs 525.20, hitting 52 weeks high on the BSE on Monday, after the company board approved a capital raise of up to Rs 4,000 crore, led by entities affiliated to the Carlyle Group Inc. Pluto Investments S.a.r.l., an affiliated entity of Carlyle Asia Partners IV, L.P. and Carlyle Asia Partners V, L.P. had agreed to invest up to Rs 3,185 crore through a preferential allotment of equity shares and warrants at a price of Rs 390 a share, the company said in an exchange filing. The Carlyle Group Inc has made an open offer for the acquisition of up to 70.79 million shares of PNB Housing Finance, representing 26 percent of the expanded voting share capital, at a price of Rs 403.22 per share from the shareholders of the company."Existing shareholders of the company, funds managed by Ares SSG and General Atlantic, are also participating in the capital raise. PNB will continue to be the promoter
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