When we might know US election results

Published On: Thursday, November 5, 2020 | By:

When we might know US election results

As of 4:50 p.m. on 4th November, six states that will decide the next president remained uncalled, as did a handful of Senate races that will determine who controls the chamber. In the presidential race, as of 4:50 p.m. Eastern time, it is not yet known who won Alaska (3 electoral votes), Arizona (11), Georgia (16), Nevada (6), North Carolina (15), or Pennsylvania (20). With three new calls — Michigan and Wisconsin for Joseph R. Biden Jr., and Maine’s Second Congressional District for President Trump — Mr. Biden has 253 confirmed electoral votes and would need 17 more to win. President Trump has 214 confirmed electoral votes and would need 56 more to win. Five Senate races were uncalled in four states: Alaska, Georgia, Michigan, and North Carolina. A sixth race, in Maine, was called Wednesday afternoon for the Republican incumbent, Senator Susan Collins.

Georgia has two races, both involving Republican incumbents whom Democrats hope to unseat. One, between Senator David Perdue and Jon Ossoff, might be decided in the next few days or might go to a runoff in January, depending on whether a Libertarian candidate gets enough votes to keep both major-party candidates below 50 percent. The other race will require a runoff between the incumbent, Kelly Loeffler, and Raphael Warnock, a Democrat.

The time of the final result probably varies significantly from state to state. While other states counted through the night, election officials in Pennsylvania resumed counting Wednesday morning. The Trump campaign is also fiercely contesting Pennsylvania ballots in the courts, which could drag the process out for quite some time. Election officials are expected to give an update at 6:15 p.m. Eastern.

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