RBI will use the existing 10-year bond to raise at least Rs 14,000 crore from the markets

Published On: Tuesday, June 22, 2021 | By:

RBI will use the existing 10-year bond to raise at least Rs 14,000 crore from the markets

The RBI will use the existing 10-year bond to raise at least Rs 14,000 crore from the markets on Friday, taking the outstanding of the paper to more than Rs 1.33 trillion, possibly the highest ever amount raised against security. Generally, a fresh set of bonds is announced after about Rs 1.2 trillion is raised against security, but this is possibly the only case where that limit has been breached. This gives credence to the theory that the central bank may not want to issue a fresh set of 10-year papers in a hurry and would rather continue with the existing security.

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