Paycuts,lay-offs and dismissals-Lockdown aftermath

Published On: Saturday, April 25, 2020 | By:

Paycuts,lay-offs and dismissals-Lockdown aftermath

Despondency is taking hold of employees at startups in India that are shrinking operations amid the Covid-19 lockdown putting jobs on the line. Over the past four weeks, at least two dozen top companies have fired employees and contract staff according to sources. Some others have cut salaries, according to some data available. The salary cuts range from 15% to as much as 50-70%. Some have put a few of their employees on the bench. The government has been consistently urging companies to refrain from layoffs and pay cuts as they cope with economic distress. A common thread at all firms is a high level of anxiety, fear of the unknown, and pressure to outperform in a suboptimal market.

Source: various sources

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