Dealing with Covid-19 after the lockdown

Published On: Monday, March 30, 2020 | By:

Dealing with Covid-19 after the lockdown

The government needed to take "extraordinary" and "unprecedented" measures like a nationwide lockdown for three weeks to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, said Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 30th March (Monday). The government denied a community outbreak of the disease. “It took 12 days for cases to rise from 100 to 1,000 in our country, whereas seven other developed nations having lesser population than us have seen multiple increases,” said Lav Agarwal, joint secretary in the health ministry, at a press conference in Delhi. The government made the statements as India’s cumulative coronavirus infections have breached the 1,000 mark. The country is entering a crucial phase in this outbreak, with the number of daily cases also growing in triple digits for the last three days.

Many countries have already introduced unprecedented stimulus packages to protect their societies and economies and keep cash flowing to workers and businesses. To maximise the effectiveness of those measures, it is essential for governments to work with employers’ organisations and trade unions to come up with practical solutions, which keep people safe and to protect jobs.

These measures include income support, wage subsidies and temporary lay-off grants for those in more formal jobs, tax credits for the self-employed, and financial support for businesses. 

But as well as strong domestic measures, decisive multilateral action must be a keystone of a global response to a global enemy.,experts feel.

As governments try to flatten the upward curve of infection, special measures are required to protect the millions of health and care workers who risk their own health to serve others every day.

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