At Close, the Sensex was up 20.96 points or 0.03% at 62,293.64, and the Nifty was up 28.70 points or 0.16% at 18,512.80, amid weak Asian markets and mixed global cues. Coal India, Tata Motors, HDFC Life, RIL, and Hero MotoCorp were among the major gainers on the Nifty, while Britannia, Titan, Kotak Bank, Nestle India, and ICICI bank were the laggards. About 2029 shares have advanced, 1361 shares declined, and 126 are unchanged. In the broader market, the BSE MidCap and SmallCap indices rallied 0.77 percent, and 0.67 percent, respectively. All sectors shifted between gains and losses. The nifty Media index gained the most, the Nifty Realty index added 1.2 percent, and auto, metal, and pharma indices up 0.5 percent each. whereas Nifty Bank, Nifty FMCG, and Nifty Financial Services indices declined the most. The nifty FMCG index fell 0.3 percent.