At close, the Sensex was up 1,736.21 points or 3.08% at 58,142.05, and the Nifty was up 509.70 points or 3.03% at 17,352.50, as reports of withdrawal of Russian troops from the Ukrainian border soothed investor's nerves. Crude oil prices also dropped around 3 percent in the latter half of the session, providing further comfort to equity investors. Tata Motors, Eicher Motors, Bajaj Finance, Shree Cements, and Hero MotoCorp were the top Nifty gainers, while losers were Cipla and ONGC. About 1996 shares have advanced, 1286 shares declined, and 90 shares are unchanged. All sectoral indices ended in the green, the Nifty PSU Bank and Auto indices soaring 4 percent each. The Nifty Bank, Financial Services, IT, and Realty indices, meanwhile, gained between 3 and 3.5 percent. The BSE MidCap index gained 2.7 per cent and the BSE SmallCap index advanced around 2 per cent.