At close, Sensex was down 1,747.08 points, or 3 percent, at 56,405.84, and the Nifty was down 532 points, or 3.06 percent, at 16,842.80, as simmering tensions between Ukraine and Russia crushed equities."Increased tension between the US and Russia over Ukraine sent oil prices rising and forced investors to dump risky assets. Sectorally, all the indices ended in the red with the Nifty PSU Bank index nosediving 5.9 percent; Realty index 5 percent; Private Bank, Financial Services, Bank, and Auto upwards of 4 percent each; and Pharma and IT indices over 2 percent. The BSE MidCap and SmallCap indices cracked 3.5 percent and 4 percent, respectively.“At present, Nifty has support at 16800/16650 levels while resistance comes at 17100 levels. On the other hand, Bank nifty has support at 36370 levels while resistance 37600 at levels,” said Sachin Gupta, AVP, Research, Choice Broking.